Monday 19 August 2013

Tuesday 12 March 2013

#212 - Mush a Dog Sled

Tuesday, March 12 – Josh and I drove up to Haliburton Forest for this fantastic experience! We arrived on Monday around 4pm for the skies to open up into a torrential downpour. The weather squashed our plans for some winter hiking but didn’t dampen our dog sledding mood. On Tuesday morning, we met the dogs, harnessed in and on we went. The dogs responded to such calls as “whoa” to warn of a slowdown coming, “hike” to get moving and “hey, stop it” for when the fights broke out while we were standing still. It was a very fun and peaceful experience – the dogs were very quiet once we got moving – and we only dumped our sled once! After the tour was over we were able to go into the dog enclosure and see the other dogs. Haliburton Forest has 150 Husky-type sled dogs for the dog sledding tours. Lastly, we went to the Wolf Centre to see some of the wild Timber wolves they have in their enclosure.

Thursday 3 January 2013

#13 - Participating in a New Years day Polar Bear Dip

It is true in fact. on New Years Day 2013, my brave friend Tori and I braved the -5°C outside to jump in the lake off the Murray Street park in Grimsby. The National Weather Service Forecast Office estimated that Lake Ontario would be approximately 4°C so I convinced myself that meant the water would feel warmer than the air..boy was I WRONG! Man, was it cold. We survived, no worse for the wear. Enjoy the pictures below! Also, I thought I'd draw strength by wearing my Canada hoodie down to the water...I am Canadian right!? I should be able to brave the cold...right ha ha.

Saturday 29 December 2012

#195 - Creating and Using a Blog

You are all witness to this one, so no picture necessary! What a great use of one of my goals than to document the bucket list that it is on!

#205 - Adopt a Pet from an Animal Shelter

On April 7, 2012 (Easter Weekend) we met Amelia at the Hamilton-Burlington SPCA. Her name was Andrea then and she was a wonderfully sucky, quiet pup of 18 months. BOY WERE WE FOOLED! She was an absolute maniac who if left unattended destroyed things and when attended was absolutely so full of energy and life that she tuckered us out with at least two walks/runs a day plus playing. The dog parks quickly became a place of sanctuary for us - a place we could take her and she was run her little heart out and come home tired (if only for an hour). We have had lots of little hurtles with this girl from bee stings, to her destroying our Stag and Doe prizes, to learning she loves soccer, to dog school level 1 and 2 to a total couch potato now (literally!) By the way, she is named after yet another literary character Amelia Bedelia. Enjoy the pictures and videos below!

Our Pup Amelia

  No, this is not a walrus! Amelia got stung by a bee - hi ho to the emergency room we go!

 Total Destruction of our Stag and Doe Prizes (and the last day she was ever left out of the crate)

 Take that Air Bud - Amelia is the Sports Dog of the Year

Amelia Meets Ol' Saint Nick

Amelia's First Christmas with us!

#206 - Own a Lizard

On March 7, 2012 we purchased a lizard! Meet Ferdinand our baby Crested Gecko with art on his back that is remarkably similar to Native art. I've always wanted to name pets after characters from literature and so he was named after Ferdinand the Bull. He is a lovely little creature that we look forward to watching him grow up. His life expectancy is approximately 15 to 20 years so he'll be around for a long, long time! When we purchased him his little body was about 3 inches long (as seen below - look how big the Philodendron leaves are in comparison to him!)